Sunday, January 27, 2013

What happens when you stop being the trophy?
I have always thought that the most beautiful people were as lovely on the inside as they were on the out.  NOW, I'm not saying that inner beauty is what makes you want to jump a persons bones when you first see them, nope pretty sure its the outter, thats what gives you quivers. However, I think it totally different for women then it is for men,once a woman loves a man she will stick by him and love him no matter what he looks like down the road.  Fat, bald, gray, it dosen't matter, women still see the man they fell in love with no matter how much he changes pysically.  MEN on the other hand its a different matter. Men will love you as long as you stay pretty or rich, or what ever it was that drew them to you in the first place, if you change so will they. The minute you are no longer a trophy to be shown around and make him the envy of all of his friend, you start to loose value. OK... maybe not all men are like that but lets face it most of them are.  Just pick up a couple of pounds or get a little gray and see how he starts acting, all of a sudden you turn into quasimoto.  You know when you have lost value when he stops taking you any where, and if anyone comes by the house, he steps outside and closes the door behind him as if to say that what's inside, is too hideous to be viewed by mortal man. I wonder What makes women so excepting.



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